Amanda Roberts esperaba que luego de perder 68 kilos, su cuerpo quedaría como siempre soñó. Sin embargo, no fue así. Y es que nada menos que 9 kilos de exceso de piel aparecieron para ponerle un nuevo desafío.

Lejos de avergonzarse, decidió compartir su caso en para servir de inspiración a las mujeres que pasan por su misma situación. Se hace llamar ‘la reina de la piel suelta’ en y ya tiene más 33 mil seguidores.

Estamos acostumbrados a asombrarnos e inspirarnos con casos maravillosos de mujeres con obesidad que se convirtieron en supermodelos, como es . Y es que esta joven de 21 años se hizo supermodelo de ropa deportiva tras perder 52 kilos.

Random #beforeandafter picture because as I was getting ready to settle in for the night, I looked in the mirror and felt SUPER TINY for the first time in a long time. It's nice to have a moment where my body dysmorphia isn't distorting my body image. No amount of loose skin will keep me from feeling small after my 150lbs of Weight Loss! 💕💕 ------------------------------------------- For those who will ask: -I've lost 150lbs in 2 years -I have approx 20-30lbs of loose skin -Highest weight: 330lbs (left) -Lowest weight: 180lbs (right) -------------------------------------------- #wls #rny #weightlosssurgery #bariatricbabe #bariatricsurgery #weightloss #majorweightloss #extremeweightloss #transformation #sidebyside #gastricbypass #rouxeny #wlscommunity #wlsfamily #fitness #health #extremetransformation #beforeandafter #thenandnow #motivation#staymotivated #inspo #fitspo #wlstories

Una foto publicada por LooseSkinQueen™ (@mandas_muffintop) el

Sin embargo, lo que no se dice es que luego de bajar mucho de peso, la piel que sobra toma protagonismo en el cuerpo. Las dichosas mujeres solo se fotografían luego de sus cirugías. Amanda decidió no ocultarse más.

Happy #TummyLoveThursday everyone! So today I wanted to highlight my recent struggle with exercising with my loose skin. I've done this once before with a video on TLT, but this week I wanted to try to capture it in a picture. ------------------------------------------- When you have excess skin, a large belly, etc. exercising can be difficult, not only in a physical way, but sometimes even MORE in a mental aspect. Doing certain exercises, like jumping jacks, burpees, and even jogging can be painful and embarrassing. ------------------------------------------ BUT that doesn't mean it should stop you from finding an exercise that works for you. Sometimes- as long as it's not TOO painful- you need to work through that embarrassment of your tummy/body jiggling and just DO THOSE JUMPING JACKS OR BURPEES FOR YOUR HEALTH! Do those planks and let your tummy hang low- it's just going to make you stronger cause it's added weight/resistance! If I can do it 3+ times a week in a gym class (obviously WITH my shirt on, these pictures are just to show what's going on underneath it all) you can do it too- whether it be at home or in a gym! -------------------------------------------- You are stronger than you think- both physically AND mentally. So go out there and push your limits to break out of that comfort zone. And don't let ANYONE tell you that you don't belong at a gym, no matter what your body size or shape. All bodies are Gym Bodies- as long as you're working your hardest at the gym! --------------------------------------------- For those who will ask: -I've lost 150lbs in 2 years -I have approx 20-30lbs of loose skin -I cannot afford Skin Removal Surgery -I DO have a gofundme on my IG bio -My insurance denied covering the skin removal -All negative comments will be blocked -Loose Skin is not a "myth" 😂 -------------------------------------------- #tummylovethursday #bodypositive #bodylove #effyourbeautystandards #excessskin #looseskin #bodypositivity #selflove #weightlosssurgery #selflove #fitness #fitnessmotivation #inspire #rny #vsg #extremeweightloss #rnycommunity #vsgcommunity #health #weightloss #plasticsurgery #body

Una foto publicada por LooseSkinQueen™ (@mandas_muffintop) el

‘La piel suelta es una cosa real que le sucede a mucha gente después de una pérdida extrema de peso
’, escribió Amanda en su Instagram. ‘La piel caída no es algo que se pueda ejercitar o mejorar con la dieta’, explicó.

La alternativa más rápida para tratar este problema es la cirugía estética. Sin embargo, también existen otros tratamientos no invasivos que podrían solucionarlo como el láser o la masoterapia, aunque pueden llegar a durar mucho más tiempo.

Happy New Years Eve everyone. Today is the last day of 2016, so I thought I'd take a moment to reflect back. As I've said in a few of my previous posts, this year was different for me. --------------------------------------------- For the first time in a long time, it was a year not based around my WeightLoss or trying to diet. Instead, I found a new goal, which was solely to get healthy both in a physical AND mental way. That meant I needed to stop obsessing over the scale, stop worrying about every macro that I ate, and find a healthy balance with my food intake and exercise. --------------------------------------------- It also meant finding my way in my own self love and body positivity journey. Which is why I started TummyLoveThursday this year, and I'm so proud with how well it has gone so far, for myself and others too. And I can only hope that it will get better and more people will participate and find love in themselves in 2017! --------------------------------------------- This year has been a pretty good one, and I can't wait to see what this next year will bring. I just want to also take a moment to thank you ALL for the love and support this past year. You all have kept me motivated and inspired, and i don't think I can ever thank you enough for that. I love you all, and happy new year!

Una foto publicada por LooseSkinQueen™ (@mandas_muffintop) el

‘No puedo envolver el estómago en algún papel mágico o frotar algo de crema sobre él y hacer que se vaya’
, dijo la joven de 23 años harta de esconder su abdomen. ‘Si pierdo otros 45 kilos, la piel seguirá allí’, afirmó casi resignada.

Este video de su cuenta de Instagram ha sido un éxito y ya cuenta con más de 25 mil visitas ya que se atrevió a mostrar lo que considera en algunos días su ‘parte favorita’. ‘Este es el cuerpo que tengo y el que voy a tener, salvo que me opere’, escribió al mismo tiempo que reveló que ha abierto una página para reunir el dinero que necesita para someterse a la cirugía.


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