¿Recuerdas a Nardya Miller? La joven mujer se volvió en luego de publicar su de este mundo en a tan solo una semana de morir.

Pues bien, aunque los médicos le dieron solo siete días, Nardya resistió un poco más hasta ayer, cuando su vida terminó en Brisbane, . Su conmovedora historia se viralizó rápidamente en las y se convirtió en la inspiración de millones de personas.

Miller de 25 años sufría de fibrosis quística, una enfermedad que afectaba a su aparato respiratorio y digestivo. Es por ello que hace dos años decidió someterse a un trasplante de pulmones que su cuerpo finalmente no toleró.

They ask how you are you, you say your fine, your ok, your a bit sick but you'll get better. They say, "your tough you'll be ok" Behind the scenes, your dying slowly and no one sees, no one knows, you keep it to yourself because very little have proven to show you they truly care when your at your lowest and now you battle on alone in the strength that you've had inside forever. You weigh 34kg and you look like death, you can't eat because your body is shutting down and rejecting everything you invite inside, you are being fed through a NG tube and struggle through the pain of trying to breath day in, day out, your body is a skeleton and you can't hold yourself up for longer than 5 minutes, your bones ache and bruise on everything you touch without force. You don't want to burden people with your problems at any time of year let alone Christmas but some need to know, but how do you tell them? How do you tell your friends and family that this could be your last Christmas, how do you tell them that your thankful for having them in your life, how do you tell them that it's time to face the reality of what your life really is, exactly this, an inevitable heartbreaking end to everything you thought life would be. As you watch your long term hopes and dreams fade away before your eyes, slipping further out of reach you still feel happy, you can't help but feel so incredibly grateful for everything you've accomplished so far, everyone you've met that has made some kind of wonderful impact on you, all your family that have been the backbone of support throughout your entire life and for the person who showed you what true love really looked like and felt like and will always be the keeper of your heart. To your children, or in my case, my fur babies, they are a blessing, a truly amazing small furry gift that bring complete and utter joy to each day on earth and nothing will ever replace or compare to them. Dying isn't pleasant, it's a unknown feeling until your actually feeling it. Until your told those words you never expected to hear unless you've reached the ripe age of 97 years and lived life to the absolute fullest, had children and grandchildren and a husband or

Una foto publicada por Nardya Sinead (@nardyasinead) el

Después de su muerte, uno de sus allegados declaró al diario Sunshine Coast: ‘La mayoría de nosotros no sabe qué se siente cuando te dices que no vivirás más allá de tus años de adolescencia. Pero Nardya consiguió más en su corta vida de lo que muchos de nosotros podríamos soñar’.

True happiness shines from within. ☺️💗

Una foto publicada por Nardya Sinead (@nardyasinead) el

Asimismo contó sobre los proyectos que había logrado realizar a pesar de su enfermedad. Cursos de belleza, certificados de su profesión como maquillista y una marca de ropa propia fueron algunas de sus metas alcanzadas. Incluso caminó 10 kilómetros en una cruzada por su padre, a quien el año pasado le diagnosticaron esclerosis múltiple.

Además logró redecorar la casa en la que vivía con su prometido Liam Fitzgerald, aunque nunca podrán disfrutarla juntos. Sin embargo, quiso dejarle algo más. Desde su lecho de muerte organizó con un primo una colecta para ayudarlo a pagar los gastos de su funeral. Las donaciones superaron los 25 mil dólares.

Christmas Day, another year I'm stuck in a hospital room looking at all four walls and re watching Christmas movies that are on replay every few hours, these are the chronicles of my life. But today is not just Christmas to me, today is the day, 5 years ago, I agreed to be this handsome fellas girl, and 4 years ago I agreed to be his wife one day, I'm still waiting for that day but I know it's all worth the wait. Today I was feeling low, as you would, while everyone is out celebrating Christmas with family and friends, I saw my mother briefly this morning and my father briefly this afternoon but I didn't even get to see my man at all, you see, I can't be near people who are infectious, and it just so happens that my man is sick this Christmas so he's not allowed to come near me, this was by far the hardest year, spending today in hospital could be classed as a usual thing for me, but not having Liam by my side was an entire different thing. Throughout today he reminded me that some people never even know love, but we do, we are lucky. And he's right, at the end of the day it's not what you have or who your with or what day it is, it's the love you know you share, the love that surrounds you and that's the love that keeps you fighting, here on earth, every single day. So thank you my Liam for reminding me that love is all that matters, you will always be the keeper of my heart. Happy 5th Anniversary to you my love, my best friend, you are the mate of my soul 💗 Now and Forever 💫

Una foto publicada por Nardya Sinead (@nardyasinead) el


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