James Rodríguez y la rusa Helga Lovekaty
James Rodríguez y la rusa Helga Lovekaty

y Daniela Ospina, padres de la pequeña Salomé, . Esta noticia se pudo conocer a través de las redes sociales de la voleibolista. ¿Cuál fue el detonante de este desenlace? 

Algunos medios de Colombia aseguran que James Rodríguez estuvo , a quien conoció a través de Instagram hace unos años. Al parecer, la joven de 23 años habría robado el corazón del mediocampista. 

Otro de los motivos de este final entre James Rodríguez y Daniela Ospina sería la constante salida del cafetero a fiestas nocturnas, donde siempre está rodeado de bellas mujeres. 

Cierto o no, Helga Lovekaty luce toda su sensualidad en Instagram y aquí te presentamos sus mejores fotos. Revisa la galería.

I want to share with you my impressions of the trip to Tunisia. This's country with a rich history, which has many legends and myths and originates from #Carthage. It’s the birthplace of the famous Hannibal. During its existence the country suffered several serious shocks since the fall of Carthage in 148 BC. E. and ending with the recent jasmine revolution in 2011 due to which the people of the country had to start improving again. #Tunisia is informally divided into the south, where people live very poorly and relatively richer in the north. Vacation in Tunisia will appeal to lovers of #hotel rest, which have a high level here and could be a good alternative to #Turkey and #Egypt. I was pleased with the choice of dishes, it’s really delicious. The sea is usually calm, but there are seaweed. #Beaches are not very crowded. From the excursions I could recommend a trip to the Sahara Desert and Star Wars set. Despite difficult territorial neighborhood in the coastal zones is very calm. I hope that the Tunisians will continue to improve their country and these places will become one of the most popular holiday destinations soon. Thanks @radissonblupalacedjerba for the hospitality 🇹🇳👌

Una publicación compartida de Helga Lovekaty (@helga_model) el

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