Ex Spice Girl envuelta en un verdadero escándalo de sexo, tríos sexuales y juegos eróticos con su niñera y ex esposo. (Fotos: Instagram)
Mel B

, la recordada ex Spice Girl, se encuentra envuelta en un verdadero escándalo mediático donde su vida privada ha sido puesta al descubierto por su niñera, quien ha revelado los extraños gustos sexuales de la cantante, además de los juegos eróticos y tríos que, supuestamente, la obligó protagonizar con el exesposo de esta, Stephen Belafonte.

Mel B y Stephen Belafonte anunciaron en el mes de marzo su separación definitiva tras diez años de matrimonio por 'diferencias irreconciliables'. La también jurado de 'America's Got Talent' luego acusaría a su exniñera de haber arruinado su matrimonio. Según la ex Spice Girl, el hombre habría comenzado una relación con la niñera -que hoy tiene 27 años- que habría quedado embarazada.

Ante los ataques de Mel B, Lorrein Gilles, la exniñera, decidió contar su verdad, una verdad que terminaría por hundir la imagen de la artista, que en el pasado ha estado envuelta en escandalosos casos de los que no ha salido bien parada. 

Lorraine Gilles, de origen alemán, trabajó como niñera de la ex cantante durante varios años a partir de 2007 y contó a los medios de comunicación británicos que tanto Mel B como Stephen Belafonte la envolvieron en escabrosos juegos eróticos y tríos sexuales.

Si bien, Gilles admitió que mantuvo relaciones sexuales con Belafonte, aclaró que todo fue con consentimiento de Mel B y siempre en su presencia y que todo ocurría a pedido de la ex Spice Girl. 

Photos Of #MelB And Nanny Having Fun During Ibiza Getaway Resurfaces Online . Mel B allegedly sacked her former nanny, #LorraineGilles, after a disastrous holiday in #Ibiza and has since accused her in court papers of having sex with her estranged husband #StephenBelafonte. And pictures of the former Spice Girl on the sun-kissed getaway have now resurfaced, showing the singer laughing and joking with former exchange student Lorraine on board a private yacht. . . The 41-year-old star - who claims her 'monster' ex Stephen got Lorraine pregnant and paid for her to have an abortion - might have looked close to the blonde, but in the legal document she branded the July 2016 getaway 'mortifying'. In the papers, Mel, who is divorcing her husband of ten years, said Belafonte demanded they go on a family holiday to Ibiza with Lorraine. . She said she was 'mortified' because she wanted to go away with her husband and their children for a quiet break. . . The star added that Belafonte spent the holiday 'name calling, screaming, yelling, demeaning conduct' in the presence of Lorraine. . . She wrote: 'I would leave the boat daily to go to the gym in an effort to get away from [Stephen] and Lorraine.' . . After the holiday, Mel said Lorraine laughed when she terminated her employment for the second time and gave her six weeks' notice until September 2016. . . Yet clad in a patterned bikini, Mel had appeared happy and relaxed as she soaked up the sun on board the boat alongside Lorraine. . . Source: Dailymail

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Lorraine Gilles agregó que Mel B tenía una obsesión con grabar los encuentros sexuales, pues no solo se limitaba a participar de ellas o a observar cómo su esposo tenía sexo con la niñera.

"Las únicas veces que Stephen Belafonte y yo mantuvimos relaciones sexuales fue cuando Mel B nos daba instrucciones sobre qué hacer o cuando Mel le pedía que se uniera a nosotras", dijo Gilles, revelando la relación homosexual con su empleadora. "Le gustaba mucho operar como camarógrafa y filmar los encuentros", dijo.

De otro lado, Lorraine Gilles demandó a la ex empleadora por "daños" en respuesta a las acusaciones de Mel B.

TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94 on Instagram & Twitter _____________________________________ The divorce between #MelB and her estranged husband, #StephenBelafonte, is only becoming messier as time goes on. _____________________________________ Earlier this month Mel B got a restraining order against Belafonte and their former nanny, #LorraineGilles after she claimed the two tried to sexually extort her with the sex tapes that three of them made. _____________________________________ She also claimed that Gilles allegedly got pregnant by Belafonte, and was later forced to get an abortion. _____________________________________ Now Lorraine Gilles is reportedly firing back at Mel B. _____________________________________ According to TMZ, Gilles filed a lawsuit claiming that Mel B defamed her with those allegations, and claims that it was all lies. According to the documents, Gilles reportedly says Mel B portrayed her as a "home wrecker, prostitute, and extortionist, maliciously describing Gilles as being impudent, unscrupulous, and exploitive.” _____________________________________ She reportedly also goes on to say that when she was 18, and a foreign exchange student, Mel B, and Stephen allegedly told her that they had an open marriage and that Mel B allegedly got her drunk and they had a three-way. Gilles claims that she and Mel B had a sexual relationship that would go on for—read more at TheShadeRoom.com

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